Please read these terms of sale carefully. By placing an order for products and services with PrivCap Resources Group via our website or any other sources, you will be bound by these terms of sale. These terms apply to any conference, event, product, service or activity organised by PrivCap Resources Group, whether in partnership with third parties or solely by PrivCap Resources Group.
Herein, ‘we’ means PrivCap Resources Group (and ’us’ and ‘our’ will be construed accordingly); and ‘you’ means our customer or potential customer for products (and ‘your’ will be construed accordingly).
Order process
The advertising of products on our website constitutes an ‘invitation to treat’. When you place an order to purchase a product or service we will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order and confirmation of registration. The registration email constitutes your ticket that entitles you to attend the conference.
Your Warranties
You warrant to us that:
a. You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts, and you have full authority, power and capacity to agree to these terms of service;
b. The information provided in your order is accurate and completed.
Price and Payment
Prices for products are quoted on our website. Fees for physical events are inclusive of programme materials and refreshments. Payments must be made upon the submission of your order and received in full prior to the conference date. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received in full prior to the conference date.
Due to the limited availability of conference space, we recommend early booking to avoid disappointment. We are not responsible for any additional charges that your credit card company may take in paying for your purchase.
Early Bird Rate, Discounts and Special Offers
In order to qualify for discounted, special offers, early bird or ‘best’ rates, booking and payment must be received before the deadline published on the website (“Registration” page) and related conference marketing material.
Substitution and cancellation
Physical events
This will be covered by PrivCap Resources Group terms of sale. Provided payment has been received in full, substitution at no extra cost will be allowed up to 30 days prior to the conference. Substitutions between 30 days and the date of the conference will be charged an administration fee of 10% of the total fee that is to be transferred.
Should an attendee opt to cancel his/her registration, the following refund schedule will apply:
Virtual events
Cancellations for virtual forums and online products are non-refundable except otherwise specified.
Event Cancellation
a. We reserve the right to determine the theme, scope and content of the conference. Whilst every reasonable effort will be made to adhere to agreed package, we reserve the right to change event co-hosts, delegates, dates, location, sessions and omit event features or merge with another event. In the event that we permanently cancel the event for any reason, including but not limited to “force majeure,” and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date, the client shall be reimbursed for the full amount. We reserve the right to make alterations to the conference programme, venue and timings.
b. In the unlikely event of the programme being cancelled liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid to us by the attendee.
c. In the event of it being found necessary, for whatever reason, that the conference is being postponed or the dates being changed, the organisers shall not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the delegate.
d. If by re-arrangement or postponement the event can take place, the booking between the delegate and the organisers shall remain in force and will be subject to the cancellation schedule above.
Attendees are responsible for their own travel and accommodation and any costs incurred in attending the event. Registration solely entitles the attendee access and participation in the event. Lodging is not included.
Views expressed by attendees are their own. We cannot accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker at the conference or in any material provided to delegates.
Special Access Requirement
Attendees with special access requirements must notify us at the time of registration.
Photography & Filming
For promotional purposes, there may be professional photography and video production of attendees during the conference. Attendees who do not wish to be filmed or recorded should advise us by email via our support page prior to the event.
Data Protection
By submitting registration details, attendees agree to PrivCap Resources Group and companies associated with the conference to contact them regarding their services. Attendees who do not wish to receive such communications must inform PrivCap Resources Group at the time of booking. The contact details of registered attendees will be placed on the attendee list which may be passed to sponsoring companies and to all attendees for them to see who is at the conference for the purpose of networking and meetings. Delegates who do not wish to be included on this list should advise at the time of booking.
External Links
The conference website may link to other sites, social media and networking tools. The content of these external websites are maintained by their owners, for which we take no responsibility. Neither can responsibility be taken for content of any website linking to this website.
It is the responsibility of the attendee to arrange appropriate insurance cover in connection with their attendance at the conference. We cannot be held liable for any loss, liability or damage to personal property.
Attendees Terms & Conditions
We may use the speaker’s name and presentation materials for promoting delegate attendance at the conference or future conferences.
Presentations and all associated artwork and illustrations will not be returned unless specifically requested by the author. The papers must be objective and completely free of advertising and commercialism.
We may audio and/or video tape the speaker’s session and the recording may be reproduced and sold as part of the overall conference materials. This allows delegates to purchase audio/video copies of presentations that they may have been unable to attend.
We may reproduce copies of the speaker’s presentation or sessions (eg. PowerPoint slides or supporting handouts) on paper and/or electronically and these may be sold as part of the overall hand-out materials during the conference and after the event. Any acknowledgement regarding Copyright or support should be included as these will be distributed to the conference delegates.
Speakers who do not wish to give permission for the above terms and conditions must inform us by email via our support page before the commencement of the conference.
1. We will not be responsible for:
2. We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control.
Intellectual Property
Any intellectual property rights in all materials produced or distributed by PrivCap Resources Group in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized copying, publication or distribution is not permitted.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada and you hereby agree to submit yourself to the exclusive personal and subject matter jurisdiction of the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada and in courts located in or having jurisdiction over Canadian Law.
Last updated:
Monday, February 13, 2024
If you have questions about our Terms of Sale, please contact us:
Tel: 1 888 880-3205
PrivCap Resources Group
250 Yonge Street, Suite 2201
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2L7