Olivier is a partner with Ernst and Young (Luxembourg) audit and assurance practice serving a range of international clients. He is the Private Equity Assurance Leader responsible for securitization task force. Olivier has more than 14 years of experience in the audit of Private Equity companies. Olivier is audit engagement partner of many AIF structures. By former professional experience as financial and consolidation controller in the industry of investment (holding) companies, he is very familiar with the audit of ISPV structures. Olivier is experienced in the audit of SICAR and SIF, LP vehicles widely used by the AIF industry. Olivier is a qualified chartered accountant and a member of the Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises in Luxembourg. In addition to his native French, he is fluent in English and understands and writes Dutch. Under Olivier’s direct responsibilities in our Private Equity practice is the technical desk aiming at identifying and bringing solutions to technical, legal and accounting issues. He is a member of the IFRS desk in Luxembourg and has given trainings both internally and externally. Olivier is a regular speaker at Private Equity and Alternative investment conferences. He teaches at the University of Luxembourg for the Master in accounting and audit.